Bloxx are an indie pop dream with a bit of a grungy side, and at the ripe ages of 19-21 they're at the prime age to be living it large with Chess Club Records. If you haven't had the blessing of hearing them yet, (firstly go stick latest release Curtains on,) they're somewhere along the lines of The Night Café, Anteros and The Amazons.

- So Curtains came out not too long ago, how do you think the sound's progressed since the earlier singles?
Our sound has progressed quite a bit, however, prior to Curtains, we had only put out two singles; You and Your Boyfriend, which were quite pop sonically. So this, being our third release was really just about seeing where else we could take our recorded sound, and the progress from that, people seem to enjoy, which is always great!
- What's it like having a video for the first time?
Having a video is really cool! To give your music a visual image to maybe provide some sort of idea to what the song might mean is always interesting. It’s also very surreal for us personally to see our video linked to a VEVO account, and get loads of really positive comments.
- Has there been a running theme to your releases so far?
For the first two singles, there’s definitely a running theme, especially in terms of the narrative. Our songs currently have tended to highlight the cracks and faults in modern relationships. While Curtains does follow under a similar scenario, sonically it is significantly different. Lyrically, a theme could be assumed.
- The releases are getting ever so slightly heavier and a little less indie pop, which I think is more true to your live shows, is that the direction we can expect from you?
As a band, we don’t think we write music to try and fill a certain criteria to what our sound should be like. We write a song, and whatever style or sound that song needs, we will apply to it. We try to serve the music, as best as we can anyway, so we don’t think we’ll go heavy and stay heavy, but now that we know we can do it, there may be more where that came from. That being said, we prefer being edgier in places live, just because we believe it makes for a better show, and perhaps more people can get down to us.
- Who do you think is paving the way for bands like Bloxx at the moment?
Bands like Sundara Karma, Black Honey, Wolf Alice are creating so much unique and diverse alternative and indie material that is showing the world that there is still a reason to go and seek out up and coming bands and fresh music. Those bands are considered to be in the pantheon of today’s Alternative music.
- Over the summer you've done a couple of bits with Valeras, can we expect more collaborative projects with them in the future?
We love Valeras! You can definitely expect more shows from us, but as for a collaboration? Time will possibly tell you that ahah!
- Have you all got a favourite artist at the minute? Or even a specific album you've been loving?
Ophelia is really into Will Joseph Cook and Turnover right now, Taz is really enjoying Blaenavon, Yonaka and King Nun, Paul’s current favourite is a band called The Glorious Sons as well as Highly Suspect, whom Moz is also very much enjoying. We’ve also been loving Queens Of The Stone Age’s new masterpiece “Villains” - they never fail to blow us away.
- You've also toured with The Wombats on their anniversary tour, how was that?
It was absolutely incredible to be on tour with a band who are considered Legends. Our 12 to 13 year old selves screamed when we found out that we were on the tour, and the venues only amplified those screams. To play Brixton Academy has only ever nothing but a dream to us, but to have actually achieved that continues to blow our minds. We are eternally grateful for that experience and it will stick with us forever.
- You've still got a bunch of shows coming up, who are you most excited to be touring with?
We have SO many shows it’s unbelievable, we are ecstatic! It’s really difficult to say who we are more excited to tour with as both bands AND supports are phenomenal. It’s crazy to be on the bill next to Sundara Karma and The Magic Gang, but it’s just as amazing to be along side INHEAVEN and King Nun. We are truly blessed.
- And finally, are there any festivals left for people to catch you at this season?
Live at Leeds was amazing, and Truck Fest was extraordinary and so the last festival we’re doing this year is The Neighbourhood festival in Manchester, on the 7th of October, more details about the venue/time we'll confirm later on!
Photo courtesy of Ryan Manning.